No School
School is cancelled Wednesday, March 5 due to inclement weather.
Worship with us on Wednesdays evenings at 7pm. Sunday mornings at 9:45am! We celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. We have a contemporary service on the third Sunday of each month.
You can donate to the ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church and School Here
Souper Bowl
Join us on Sunday, February 2 after worship for our annual Souper Bowl. Trinity Lutheran School children paint bowls that will be sold via a silent auction. All proceeds will go toward Community Action to help feed people in our community. We will also be having a Book Fair for everyone to check out and purchase books. We will be having an open house for anyone wanting to come check out Trinity Lutheran School!
School Application!
Our enrollment form for 2024-2025 can be found Here
Our 2024-2025 School calendar can be found Here
Our 2024-2025 School Supply List can be found Here
It's not too late to enroll your child at Trinity! Open House will be Wednesday, August 28 at 6pm. Come join us for a rededication of our remodeled school classrooms.
Now Hiring!
Trinity Lutheran School is looking for an office secretary. If interested please email your resume to
Online Bible Study
Trinity Lutheran Church offers an online Bible Study. We have a private group on Facebook that meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm. We are currently studying the Gospel of Mark. To request to join, please click on this link. Expect to receive a Facebook message asking you a couple of questions from our pastor.
Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday afternoons at 1pm in the Narthex (outside of the Trinity Fellowship Room). We are now studying the Apocrypha.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Sunday morning Bible study meets in the basement of the church at 8:30am on Sunday mornings. We are currently studying "Lutheranism 101." All are welcome to join us.
Dinner Auction
Mark your calendars for our next Dinner Auction on Saturday, March 15, 2025. It will be held at the Frank Fischer Center in Lake Delton. Food will be catered by Stuff's Catering. Tickets will be $30. They will be available beginning in January. More details will be coming out in the coming weeks and months. Save the date today!